Attached Files | err [^] (42,454 bytes) 21-03-2012 10:53 [Show Content] [Hide Content]EurekaLog 6.1.03
1.1 Start Date : Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:39:17 +0400
1.2 Name/Description: SASPlanet.Debug.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 05:02:00 +0400
1.6 Up Time : 5 minutes, 57 seconds
2.1 Date : Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:45:14 +0400
2.2 Address : 0054EDC7
2.3 Module Name : SASPlanet.Debug.exe
2.4 Module Version:
2.5 Type : EAccessViolation
2.6 Message : Access violation at address 0054EDC7 in module 'SASPlanet.Debug.exe'. Read of address 05434000.
2.7 ID : 8FC5
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :
5.3 Free Memory : 375 Mb
5.5 Free Disk : 65,67 Gb
5.7 Processor : Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 - M CPU 2.20GHz
5.8 Display Mode: 1600 x 1200, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : Dell 8200 (driver - RAM 64 MB)
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build # : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 3
6.4 Language: Russian
6.5 Charset : 204
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|*Exception Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0054EDC7|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Blend.pas | |BlendLineEx_SSE2 |2785[32] |
|006C9860|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Polygons.pas | |ColorFillLines2 |1201[115]|
|006C9458|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Polygons.pas | |ColorFillLines2 |1086[0] |
|006CA18E|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Polygons.pas | |RenderPolyPolygon |1479[43] |
|006C9FA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Polygons.pas | |RenderPolyPolygon |1436[0] |
|006CA2A2|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Polygons.pas | |PolyPolygonXS |1580[1] |
|006CA28C|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Polygons.pas | |PolyPolygonXS |1579[0] |
|006CA99E|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Polygons.pas |TPolygon32 |DrawFill |1934[4] |
|007CD6B3|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_PolyLineLayerBase.pas |TPolygonLayerBase |PaintLayer |630[127] |
|007994E9|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerBasic.pas |TMapLayerBasicNoBitmap |OnPaintLayer |407[5] |
|0055F8ED|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Image.pas |TCustomImage32 |SetRepaintMode |1973[18] |
|0055F8D0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Image.pas |TCustomImage32 |SetRepaintMode |1973[18] |
|0055E1A7|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Image.pas |TCustomImage32 |ExecDrawLayers |1510[4] |
|0055DD01|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Image.pas |TCustomImage32 |DoPaintBuffer |1388[48] |
|0055CFDE|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Image.pas |TCustomPaintBox32 |Paint |878[12] |
|0055D28B|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Image.pas |TCustomPaintBox32 |WMPaint |995[7] |
|00564A38|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32.pas |TCustomBitmap32 |LineS |3445[0] |
|007C5758|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_LayerStatBar.pas | |RenderText |203[3] |
|007C5E63|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_LayerStatBar.pas |TLayerStatBar |DoRedraw |331[102] |
|7E37B3FC|USER32.dll | | |CallNextHookEx | |
|7C90ECBA|ntdll.dll | | |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
|7C90EB94|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString| |
|7E380078|USER32.dll | | |GetPropA | |
|7E380042|USER32.dll | | |GetPropA | |
|7E3696C2|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|7E3696B8|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=1892; Priority=0; Class=TGarbageCollectorThread |
|7C90D218|ntdll.dll | | |ZwDelayExecution | |
|7C8023A0|kernel32.dll | | |SleepEx | |
|7C802450|kernel32.dll | | |Sleep | |
|7C802446|kernel32.dll | | |Sleep | |
|0060366C|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GarbageCollectorThread.pas |TGarbageCollectorThread |Execute |74[11] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|006035DE|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GarbageCollectorThread.pas |TGarbageCollectorThread |Create |51[4] |
|00603570|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GarbageCollectorThread.pas |TGarbageCollectorThread |Create |47[0] |
|0072774F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GlobalState.pas |TGlobalState |Create |441[129] |
|00726F10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GlobalState.pas |TGlobalState |Create |312[0] |
|00815B39|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |805[1] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=1792; Priority=1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C91A881|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAcquireResourceShared | |
|7C80981A|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007CA1ED|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapMainLayer.pas |TMapMainLayer |StartThreads |694[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=2036; Priority=-1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|0054D364|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_LowLevel.pas | |MoveLongword |459[1] |
|00552872|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Resamplers.pas | |BlendBlock |796[12] |
|005527FC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Resamplers.pas | |BlendBlock |784[0] |
|00552BB3|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Resamplers.pas | |BlockTransfer |889[24] |
|00552A24|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|GR32_Resamplers.pas | |BlockTransfer |865[0] |
|0079AE87|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWiki.pas |TWikiLayer |ProcessDraw |501[51] |
|0079AC04|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWiki.pas |TWikiLayer |ProcessDraw |450[0] |
|0079B909|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWiki.pas |TWikiLayer |DrawBitmap |757[17] |
|00799A28|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |OnDrawBitmap |143[6] |
|00794D1A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTaskLayerDrawBase.pas|TBackgroundTaskLayerDrawBase|ExecuteTask |75[3] |
|00794B66|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |120[11] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|0079B7ED|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWiki.pas |TWikiLayer |StartThreads |728[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=3824; Priority=-2; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C90D988|ntdll.dll | | |ZwQueryVirtualMemory | |
|7C80BA57|kernel32.dll | | |VirtualQueryEx | |
|7C8097D0|kernel32.dll | | |GetCurrentThreadId | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007D3D61|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerFillingMap.pas |TMapLayerFillingMap |StartThreads |88[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=2740; Priority=-1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C91A881|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAcquireResourceShared | |
|7C80981A|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007CB681|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapMarksLayer.pas |TMapMarksLayer |StartThreads |579[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=3772; Priority=-1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C91A881|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAcquireResourceShared | |
|7C80981A|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas |TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007D0EAD|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapGPSLayer.pas |TMapGPSLayer |StartThreads |486[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
Modules Information:
Processes Information:
Assembler Information:
; GR32_Blend.BlendLineEx_SSE2 (Line=2773 - Offset=20)
; ---------------------------------------------------
0054EDAC jz GR32_Blend.BlendLineEx_SSE2 (Line=2801)
; Line=2774 - Offset=21
; ---------------------
0054EDAE mov ebx, eax
; Line=2775 - Offset=22
; ---------------------
0054EDB0 shr ebx, $18
; Line=2776 - Offset=23
; ---------------------
0054EDB3 inc ebx
; Line=2777 - Offset=24
; ---------------------
0054EDB4 imul ebx, edx
; Line=2778 - Offset=25
; ---------------------
0054EDB7 shr ebx, $08
; Line=2779 - Offset=26
; ---------------------
0054EDBA jz GR32_Blend.BlendLineEx_SSE2 (Line=2801)
; Line=2782 - Offset=29
; ---------------------
0054EDBC pxor MM0, MM0
; Line=2783 - Offset=30
; ---------------------
0054EDC0 movd MM1, eax
; Line=2784 - Offset=31
; ---------------------
0054EDC4 shl ebx, $04
; Line=2785 - Offset=32
; ---------------------
0054EDC7 movd MM2, [edi] ; <-- EXCEPTION
; Line=2786 - Offset=33
; ---------------------
0054EDCB DB $66, $0F, $60, $C8 //punpcklbw MM1, MM1
; Line=2787 - Offset=34
; ---------------------
0054EDCF DB $66, $0F, $60, $D0 //punpcklbw MM2, MM2
; Line=2788 - Offset=35
; ---------------------
0054EDD3 add ebx, [$855B30]
; Line=2789 - Offset=36
; ---------------------
0054EDD9 psubw MM1, MM1
; Line=2790 - Offset=37
; ---------------------
0054EDDD pmullw MM1, [ebx]
; Line=2791 - Offset=38
; ---------------------
0054EDE1 pslld MM6, $08
; Line=2792 - Offset=39
; ---------------------
0054EDE6 mov ebx, [$855B2C]
; Line=2793 - Offset=40
; ---------------------
0054EDEC paddw MM2, qword ptr [ebx]
; Line=2794 - Offset=41
; ---------------------
0054EDF0 paddw MM1, MM1
; Line=2795 - Offset=42
; ---------------------
0054EDF4 psrld MM2, $08
EAX: FF30465B EDI: 05434000
EBX: 00000D20 ESI: 0DD553A8
ECX: FFEA9810 ESP: 0012F8D0
EDX: 000000D2 EIP: 0054EDC7
Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0012F8D0: 00000000 0A9AA5C0: 66 0F 6E 17 66 0F 60 C8 66 0F 60 D0 03 1D 30 5B f.n.f.`.f.`...0[
0012F8D4: 00000000 0A9AA5D0: 85 00 66 0F F9 CA 66 0F D5 0B 66 0F 71 F2 08 8B ..f...f...f.q...
0012F8D8: 00000002 0A9AA5E0: 1D 2C 5B 85 00 66 0F FD 13 66 0F FD CA 66 0F 71 .,[..f...f...f.q
0012F8DC: 0012F974 0A9AA5F0: D1 08 66 0F 67 C8 66 0F 7E C8 89 07 83 C6 04 83 ..f.g.f.~.......
0012F8E0: 006C9863 0A9AA600: C7 04 49 75 99 5B 5F 5E 5D C2 04 00 90 66 0F 6E ..Iu.[_^]....f.n
0012F8E4: 000000D2 0A9AA610: C8 66 0F EF C0 C1 E1 04 66 0F 6E D2 66 0F 60 C8 .f......f.n.f.`.
0012F8E8: 0012F988 0A9AA620: 66 0F 60 D0 03 0D 30 5B 85 00 66 0F F9 CA 66 0F f.`...0[..f...f.
0012F8EC: 004054B8 0A9AA630: D5 09 66 0F 71 F2 08 8B 0D 2C 5B 85 00 66 0F FD ..f.q....,[..f..
0012F8F0: 0012F974 0A9AA640: 11 66 0F FD CA 66 0F 71 D1 08 66 0F 67 C8 66 0F .f...f.q..f.g.f.
0012F8F4: 00000002 0A9AA650: 7E C8 C3 8B C0 67 E3 4D 81 F9 FF 00 00 00 74 46 ~....g.M......tF
0012F8F8: 00000003 0A9AA660: 66 0F 6E C8 66 0F EF C0 C1 E1 04 66 0F 6E 12 66 f.n.f......f.n.f
0012F8FC: 00000000 0A9AA670: 0F 60 C8 66 0F 60 D0 03 0D 30 5B 85 00 66 0F F9 .`.f.`...0[..f..
0012F900: 00000000 0A9AA680: CA 66 0F D5 09 66 0F 71 F2 08 8B 0D 2C 5B 85 00 .f...f.q....,[..
0012F904: 0054ED94 0A9AA690: 66 0F FD 11 66 0F FD CA 66 0F 71 D1 08 66 0F 67 f...f...f.q..f.g
0012F908: 00001554 0A9AA6A0: C8 66 0F 7E 0A C3 89 02 C3 55 8B EC 85 C9 74 68
0012F90C: 00000003 0A9AA6B0: 53 8B 5D 08 85 DB 74 5E 81 FB FF 00 00 00 74 5B S.]...t^......t[
err2 [^] (7,145 bytes) 21-03-2012 10:54 [Show Content] [Hide Content]EurekaLog 6.1.03
1.1 Start Date : Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:39:17 +0400
1.2 Name/Description: SASPlanet.Debug.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 05:02:00 +0400
1.6 Up Time : 6 minutes, 28 seconds
2.1 Date : Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:45:46 +0400
2.2 Address : 00488EF3
2.3 Module Name : SASPlanet.Debug.exe
2.4 Module Version:
2.5 Type : EMemoryOverrun
2.6 Message : Memory Overrun leak.
2.7 ID : 0CDC
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :
5.3 Free Memory : 374 Mb
5.5 Free Disk : 65,67 Gb
5.7 Processor : Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 - M CPU 2.20GHz
5.8 Display Mode: 1600 x 1200, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : Dell 8200 (driver - RAM 64 MB)
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build # : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 3
6.4 Language: Russian
6.5 Charset : 204
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|*Exception Thread: ID=4044; Priority=-1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|00488EF3|SASPlanet.Debug.exe| | | | |
|00571B04|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|gnugettext.pas | |Finalization |3164[9]|
|00780820|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_ThreadDownloadTiles.pas |TThreadDownloadTiles |OnTileDownloadFinish|786[2] |
|005720DE|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_NotifyEventListener.pas |TNotifyEventListener |Notification |86[3] |
|00571C51|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|gnugettext.pas | |Finalization |3164[9]|
|0076AE08|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_TileDownloaderSimple.pas |TTileDownloaderSimple |Download |235[95]|
|0076ED15|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_TileRequestQueueProcessorThread.pas|TTileRequestQueueProcessorThread|Execute |76[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3916; Priority=??; Class= |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread |Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|0076F21F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_TileRequestProcessorPool.pas |TTileRequestProcessorPool |InitThreadsIfNeed |133[29]|
|0076F5C4|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_TileDownloaderWithQueue.pas |TTileDownloaderWithQueue |Download |75[2] |
|0077155C|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_TileDownloadSubsystem.pas |TTileDownloadSubsystem |Download |248[3] |
|0078020A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_ThreadDownloadTiles.pas |TThreadDownloadTiles |Execute |649[84]|
Modules Information:
Processes Information:
Assembler Information:
00488ED4 jz +$69
00488ED6 outsd
00488ED7 outsb
00488ED8 add cs:[eax], al
00488EDB add [ebx+$81D8BC0D], cl
00488EE1 add [edx+$66CA101], dh
00488EE7 inc esi
00488EE8 add al, ch
00488EEA mov edx, $E9E8FFF8 ; ''...
00488EF0 mov bh, $FF
00488EF3 ret ; <-- EXCEPTION
00488EF4 mov ecx, [TB2Item.Initialization (Line=7138)]
00488EFA mov dl, $01
00488EFC mov eax, dword ptr [EMultiFree]
00488F01 call -$000745EA
00488F06 call -$0008392F
00488F0B ret
EAX: 0D044C70 EDI: 00000001
EBX: 0555AF90 ESI: 0555AF90
ECX: 0D044C00 ESP: 1160FCBC
EDX: 00488EF3 EIP: 00488EEE
Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1160FCBC: 0040A6D2 0D16BFC0: C3 8B 0D B8 D8 81 00 B2 01 A1 C8 06 46 00 E8 16 ............F...
1160FCC0: 1160FCD0 0D16BFD0: BA F8 FF E8 D1 C6 F7 FF C3 68 84 4D 85 00 E8 22 .........h.M..."
1160FCC4: 0040A79F 0D16BFE0: FC F7 FF C3 90 55 8B EC 6A 00 33 C0 55 68 9F 8F .....U..j.3.Uh..
1160FCC8: 0155AF90 0D16BFF0: 48 00 64 FF 30 64 89 20 A1 8C BD 84 00 C7 00 1C H.d.0d. ........
1160FCCC: 0555AE60 0D16C000: 86 48 00 A1 18 BD 84 00 C7 00 9C 88 48 00 A1 84 .H..........H...
1160FCD0: 1160FD0C 0D16C010: BF 84 00 C7 00 20 8A 48 00 A1 C0 BE 84 00 C7 00 ..... .H........
1160FCD4: 0040309A 0D16C020: DC 8E 48 00 A1 40 C4 84 00 C7 00 F4 8E 48 00 8D [email protected]..
1160FCD8: 00404C29 0D16C030: 45 FC E8 DA 10 FE FF 8B 45 FC E8 CE D1 F7 FF 8B E.......E.......
1160FCDC: 089C6601 0D16C040: D0 B8 84 4D 85 00 E8 7E 60 F8 FF A1 94 C9 84 00 ...M...~`.......
1160FCE0: 0040501D 0D16C050: C7 00 0C 8F 48 00 33 C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 A6 ....H.3.ZYYd..h.
1160FCE4: 0042793D 0D16C060: 8F 48 00 8D 45 FC E8 E6 CC F7 FF C3 E9 94 C4 F7 .H..E...........
1160FCE8: 0A12E440 0D16C070: FF EB F0 59 5D C3 8D 40 00 55 8B EC 33 C9 51 51 ...Y][email protected]
1160FCEC: 0A12E401 0D16C080: 51 51 51 53 56 8B 75 08 33 C0 55 68 D6 90 48 00 QQQSV.u.3.Uh..H.
1160FCF0: 00404C6F 0D16C090: 64 FF 30 64 89 20 E8 56 E5 FF FF 84 C0 0F 84 DC d.0d. .V........
1160FCF4: 004281C2 0D16C0A0: 00 00 00 E8 3D E2 FF FF 84 C0 0F 84 CF 00 00 00 ....=...........
1160FCF8: 1160FD30 0D16C0B0: C6 05 98 4A 85 00 01 33 DB E8 77 A1 F7 FF 8B 15 ...J...3..w.....
err3 [^] (37,080 bytes) 21-03-2012 10:54 [Show Content] [Hide Content]EurekaLog 6.1.03
1.1 Start Date : Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:39:17 +0400
1.2 Name/Description: SASPlanet.Debug.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 05:02:00 +0400
1.6 Up Time : 7 minutes, 1 second
2.1 Date : Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:46:18 +0400
2.2 Address : 00491E0B
2.3 Module Name : SASPlanet.Debug.exe
2.4 Module Version:
2.5 Type : EAccessViolation
2.6 Message : Access violation at address 00491E0B in module 'SASPlanet.Debug.exe'. Read of address D24F4E5B.
2.7 ID : 6817
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :
5.3 Free Memory : 382 Mb
5.5 Free Disk : 65,67 Gb
5.7 Processor : Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 - M CPU 2.20GHz
5.8 Display Mode: 1600 x 1200, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : Dell 8200 (driver - RAM 64 MB)
Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build # : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 3
6.4 Language: Russian
6.5 Charset : 204
Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
|*Exception Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|00491E0B|SASPlanet.Debug.exe| | | | |
|007AA0B7|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|RarProgress.pas |TRarProgress |Draw |160[10] |
|007AA058|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|RarProgress.pas |TRarProgress |Draw |150[0] |
|007AA050|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|RarProgress.pas |TRarProgress |Paint |143[6] |
|7E38C7A2|USER32.dll | | |DrawTextExA | |
|7E38C739|USER32.dll | | |DrawTextExA | |
|7E38C72B|USER32.dll | | |DrawTextA | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37A993|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA | |
|7E37B3FC|USER32.dll | | |CallNextHookEx | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C90ECBA|ntdll.dll | | |RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN | |
|7C90EB94|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString| |
|7E380078|USER32.dll | | |GetPropA | |
|7E380042|USER32.dll | | |GetPropA | |
|7E3696C2|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|7E3696B8|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=1892; Priority=0; Class=TGarbageCollectorThread |
|7C90D218|ntdll.dll | | |ZwDelayExecution | |
|7C8023A0|kernel32.dll | | |SleepEx | |
|7C802450|kernel32.dll | | |Sleep | |
|7C802446|kernel32.dll | | |Sleep | |
|0060366C|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GarbageCollectorThread.pas|TGarbageCollectorThread |Execute |74[11] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|006035DE|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GarbageCollectorThread.pas|TGarbageCollectorThread |Create |51[4] |
|00603570|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GarbageCollectorThread.pas|TGarbageCollectorThread |Create |47[0] |
|0072774F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GlobalState.pas |TGlobalState |Create |441[129] |
|00726F10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_GlobalState.pas |TGlobalState |Create |312[0] |
|00815B39|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |805[1] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=1792; Priority=1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C91A881|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAcquireResourceShared | |
|7C80981A|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007CA1ED|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapMainLayer.pas |TMapMainLayer |StartThreads |694[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=2036; Priority=-1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C91A881|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAcquireResourceShared | |
|7C80981A|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|0079B7ED|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWiki.pas |TWikiLayer |StartThreads |728[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=3824; Priority=-2; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C90D988|ntdll.dll | | |ZwQueryVirtualMemory | |
|7C80BA57|kernel32.dll | | |VirtualQueryEx | |
|7C8097D0|kernel32.dll | | |GetCurrentThreadId | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007D3D61|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerFillingMap.pas |TMapLayerFillingMap |StartThreads |88[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=2740; Priority=-1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C91A881|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAcquireResourceShared | |
|7C80981A|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007CB681|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapMarksLayer.pas |TMapMarksLayer |StartThreads |579[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E379346|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |
|7E37AF60|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7E37AF56|USER32.dll | | |ShowWindow | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C9175F8|ntdll.dll | | |LdrGetProcedureAddress | |
|7C80AE79|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll | | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|7E37A6AB|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|7E37A6BE|USER32.dll | | |MonitorFromWindow | |
|00815C47|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|SASPlanet.dpr | | |823[19] |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwSetInformationThread | |
| |
|Running Thread: ID=3772; Priority=-1; Class=TThread4InterfacedThread |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C91A881|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAcquireResourceShared | |
|7C80981A|kernel32.dll | | |InterlockedDecrement | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C80A0FD|kernel32.dll | | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|00794B46|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_BackgroundTask.pas |TBackgroundTask |Execute |114[5] |
|0076EAA0|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Execute |166[3] |
|Calling Thread: ID=3780; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
|0076EADB|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |174[3] |
|0076EAA8|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TThread4InterfacedThread|Start |171[0] |
|0076E98D|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_InterfacedThread.pas |TInterfacedThread |Start |123[6] |
|00799B1F|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |192[2] |
|00799B10|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapLayerWithThreadDraw.pas|TMapLayerWithThreadDraw |StartThreads |190[0] |
|007D0EAD|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_MapGPSLayer.pas |TMapGPSLayer |StartThreads |486[1] |
|007C170A|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |101[2] |
|007C16EC|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|u_WindowLayerBasicList.pas |TWindowLayerBasicList |StartThreads |99[0] |
|008033C5|SASPlanet.Debug.exe|frm_Main.pas |TfrmMain |FormActivate |1649[607]|
|77F17E1C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E2C|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F17E42|GDI32.dll | | |GetTextMetricsW | |
|77F16A7E|GDI32.dll | | |IntersectClipRect | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7E37F406|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37F3C2|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageA | |
|7E37C1E4|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37C17E|USER32.dll | | |DefWindowProcA | |
|7E37B11C|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
|7E37B112|USER32.dll | | |SetFocus | |
Modules Information:
Processes Information:
Assembler Information:
00491DEF mov eax, [ebp-$04]
00491DF2 mov eax, [eax+$04]
00491DF5 mov [ebp-$08], eax
00491DF8 jmp +$08
00491DFA mov eax, [ebp-$08]
00491DFD mov eax, [eax]
00491DFF mov [ebp-$08], eax
00491E02 cmp dword ptr [ebp-$08], +$00
00491E06 jz +$21
00491E08 mov eax, [ebp-$08]
00491E0B cmp si, word ptr [eax+$0C] ; <-- EXCEPTION
00491E0F jnz -$17
00491E11 mov eax, [ebp-$04]
00491E14 movzx ecx, word ptr [eax+$20]
00491E18 mov edx, ebx
00491E1A mov eax, [ebp-$08]
00491E1D add eax, +$10
00491E20 call -$00084BC5
00491E25 test al, al
00491E27 jz -$2F
00491E29 cmp dword ptr [ebp-$08], +$00
EAX: D24F4E4F EDI: 02442470
EBX: 0081D954 ESI: 0000F9F9
ECX: 7FFDF000 ESP: 0012F860
EDX: 00000000 EIP: 00491E0B
Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0012F860: 0012F884 01821AF0: 66 3B 70 0C 75 E9 8B 45 FC 0F B7 48 20 8B D3 8B f;p.u..E...H ...
0012F864: 004054B8 01821B00: 45 F8 83 C0 10 E8 3B B4 F7 FF 84 C0 74 D1 83 7D E.....;.....t..}
0012F868: 0012F87C 01821B10: F8 00 75 45 8B 45 FC 0F B7 40 20 83 C0 10 E8 36 ..uE.E...@ ....6
0012F86C: 06ED9E50 01821B20: 12 F7 FF 89 45 F8 8B 45 F8 8B 55 FC 8B 52 04 89 ....E..E..U..R..
0012F870: 7C97E101 01821B30: 10 33 D2 89 50 04 8B 13 89 50 08 66 89 70 0C 8B .3..P....P.f.p..
0012F874: D24F4E4F 01821B40: 55 FC 0F B7 4A 20 8D 50 10 8B C3 E8 6D 15 F7 FF U...J .P....m...
0012F878: 01011B70 01821B50: 8B 45 FC 8B 55 F8 89 50 04 8B 45 F8 FF 40 04 33 [email protected]
0012F87C: 0012F920 01821B60: C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 97 1E 49 00 8B 45 FC E8 .ZYYd..h..I..E..
0012F880: 00492920 01821B70: 21 FF FF FF C3 E9 A3 35 F7 FF EB F0 8B 45 F8 5E !......5.....E.^
0012F884: 0012F8B0 01821B80: 5B 59 59 5D C3 55 8B EC 83 C4 F0 56 89 55 F8 89 [YY].U.....V.U..
0012F888: 0040564F 01821B90: 45 FC 83 7D F8 00 0F 84 A5 00 00 00 8B 45 F8 89 E..}.........E..
0012F88C: 0012F920 01821BA0: 45 F0 8B 45 FC E8 DF FE FF FF 33 C9 55 68 28 1F E..E......3.Uh(.
0012F890: 06ED9E50 01821BB0: 49 00 64 FF 31 64 89 21 8B 45 F0 FF 48 04 8B 45 I.d.1d.!.E..H..E
0012F894: 0756FAB0 01821BC0: F0 83 78 04 00 0F 94 45 F7 80 7D F7 00 74 28 8B ..x....E..}..t(.
0012F898: 00000000 01821BD0: 45 FC 8B 40 04 3B 45 F8 75 0F 8B 45 F8 8B 00 8B E..@.;E.u..E....
0012F89C: 004936C1 01821BE0: 55 FC 89 42 04 EB 10 8B C2 8B 10 3B 55 F8 75 F7 U..B.......;U.u.